Sunday, May 3, 2015

Missed my morning writing time

How did that happen? Suddenly it is the afternoon. And late afternoon at that. Oh well. Life is like that sometimes.

I got some Smith work done this morning - working on getting another producing organization's tickets up on our ticketing system. I want to design one well and then go on to all the others. 

Got the one done, I think. Waiting on some information from the venue. 

Nice day. A little bike riding, a little work, a little play. Went to the grocery store and bought a UTI test for mom, as well as Cranberry juice. I also impulse bought some blueberry muffins. Don't know if mom will eat them, but it is worth a try. She didn't like my wonderful bacon wrapped mozzarella stuffed fried bread bites. Her loss. More for me! Bwahahahahahahahaha.

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