Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Days of now and then

Mom had a bad morning yesterday (I have no real idea what day that was - maybe Wednesday the 9th?). I don't understand where specifically they come from. I know where generally, her dementia, but why are some days much, much worse than others? Yesterday she woke up totally scared - she didn't know where she was - she didn't know who she was - she didn't know who I was. I chatted with her a little and she calmed down, but it was scary for both of us.

She is so funny - both "haha" and peculiar. I guess she was feeling peckish. So she hunted around in the kitchen and found a box of instant oatmeal. I found opened packets all over the place (well, by where she tends to sit in the living room and beside her bed). For the life of me, I couldn't see where they were coming from - either in my mind's eye or through actual searching in the kitchen. Yesterday morning, I went to get something in the fridge and saw that she had, again, put the ice cream in the non-freezer part of the refrigerator. Better than leaving it on the counter (which she has only done once in 3 years)(twice now - she did it last night), but not optimal. Anyway, I tossed it back in the freezer and "ta da" there was the box of oatmeal packets! Which promptly got relocated to the trash. Sorry to whoever liked oatmeal in the morning when they were here. It is gone now. And mom will have to resort to something else - like the fiber bars I leave for her - or the swiss rolls...

Ok, where was I? I started this on Wednesday or Thursday last week, I think. Right before the show at the Smith got cooking. The show was fun - but it took a lot of time and mental energy.

I am going to publish this one and start on another. I don't want to make people read one twenty "page" post when I can make them read many smaller ones!

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