Monday, October 7, 2013

I am sick, sick I tell you!

How do people survive ailments of import? I had a tough time falling asleep last night just because I had a little head cold! Glarg! Hopefully this shall pass soon. It would be aided, of course, by plenty of sleep, fluids and a modicum of exercise, none of which has been happening for the past several weeks because of all the time I have been spending at The Smith. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have the stuff to do at The Smith. I just also need time to sleep and such. And of course to spend time with my mom, which is my primary reason for being in Geneva.

It was a two movie day Saturday. At the Smith, I projected Michael Cera in Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus. Overall, I thought it was ok. I am not a huge Cera fan. He is good, not great. The story was sort of rambling and all over the place. As many of the theatre goes said, we weren't sure what the point really was. Still, I am glad I saw it.

The other movie was Moonrise Kingdom. Great movie! I thoroughly enjoyed it. A Wes Anderson movie with lots of high powered actors in it. Very quirky and fun. The two lead kids were very entertaining. I had put it on for mom before I left for the Smith not knowing what her reaction would be. Turns out she loved it! Yay! I am sure she missed a lot of the subtleties. Nevertheless, the fact that she liked it is great!

The NY Banjo Summit went really well! The people who showed up to work for The Smith, Kate, Daniel and Charlie, did an amazing job. Kate did lights, Charlie and Daniel moved equipment and helped with set-up and I supervised excellently (if i must say so myself) (and a lot of other stuff...just sayin'). Mark and Bill from Rosewood Sound got their stuff set up and working and Sound Check was right on time. The show went off without a hitch. The music was great, there was a decent sized audience. Load out was very smooth and I think everyone was happy. Can't beat that.

I had a minor Smith epiphany. There is a crunch in a couple of weekends when we have three events right in a row. Dick Clark, Lone Bellow and then Ballet X. Ballet X is the most demanding technically - especially their need for a dance floor and for a completely different configuration of lighting that the house plot. I was trying how to get all of it done between the end of Lone Bellow and 8 am the next morning when the Ballet is to load-in. I think we can get the marley dance floor down to relax after Lone Bellow leaves. The lighting, we might be able to get away with reconfiguring the lights before lone bellow and just using that set-up (minus the side booms/trees) for both Lone Bellow and Ballet X.

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