Saturday, March 30, 2013

This is not a test

Hey there! I have decided to try another month of blog writing. My brain seems to be full, with a little bit of sludge dripping out of my ears. So, to relieve some pressure, I am going to write for 30 days and see what happens. If you have any ideas about what to write about, please don't hesitate to let me know. Comments are sincerely appreciated!

Oh, there probably will be few pictures - my camera has been semi-retired due to storage issues on my laptop. Seems that a gigabyte just isn't what it used to be, and I am bumping up against the space limit on my hard drive all the time. The only thing I can find that is taking up lots and lots and lots of room is/are pictures. I think it is "is" but "are" doesn't sound terrible.

I am going to do my best not to whine too much, but there will definitely be some whining. And "alas, alack, poor me" will definitely be tossed around a bit. Hopefully there will also be some uplifting, happy, even mildly humorous stuff as well. We shall see. Yay!

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