Friday, May 17, 2013

Practice makes as practice does?

I am sure I am not the only person to practice conversations in one's head. Like my plan to ask a local bartender to be my facebook friend. I had all sorts of excuses for why we ought to be FB friends and cute rejoinders all prepared. The actual conversation? "Hey, are you on FB?" "Yes." "Can we be FB friends?" "Sure." Sigh.

My mind is fairly squarely behind my decision to start reviewing local wineries and their associated tasting rooms. The decision is multi-folded. I was going to say two-fold, but I think there are more twists and turns in my tiny cranium regarding this than two. The ones that leap to mind are - I like having some sort of project to spend time and energy on. Another is my desire to learn more about the area - the other day, a couple were asking about wineries in the area, and I realized that I have only been to four out of the 30 or so around Seneca Lake. Not a good percentage. A third reason is to get me out and exploring and possibly meeting people - increasing my surface area is the way I like to think of it. And there are probably more, but I can't think of them just now.

Oops, I did it again. I bought the wrong size labels. Glarp. I need to go back to Staples and get bigger ones. The ones I did get are teeny - an inch by a half inch. Can't see those with a magnifying glass the size of my head! I need bigger labels! What I want to do is slap one of those bad boys on each box that I have touched - write the date touched and a brief synopsis of the contents. That way, when I get around to doing more sorting of the boxes in the attic - which might happen in my lifetime, I will know which boxes I still need to do. That would be nifty. But with these teeny tiny labels, that isn't going to happen. I don't have a pen small enough to write the pertinent details on such a petite label. Glarg.

By the way, I did find the linen for the porch. I had seen it. Frequently. Last Fall, I did something crazy. I washed the stuff. I know! Absolutely bizarre thing to do. But I did it. And instead of putting the things in the basement with the rest of the crap from the porch, I left it in its basket, dried (and I think folded) in the red room. Where I would be sure to see it and remember it. Which I didn't. Until the other day. After the porch got set up. Sigh.

I have replaced the glass front door with its screen counterpart. I am so excited!

Operation Empty(ish) Rooms has sort of commenced. I have more than a week before Karl and kids descend to accomplish it. My goal is to have it done by mid-week next week. Easily doable.

Good day yesterday, though I didn't really accomplish much of anything, except the door and buying new, larger labels. And got a call asking me to work at the Smith tonight and tomorrow - there goes my free weekend. But it does mean a few dollars coming in. Yay.

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